

Focusing came about in the 1960’s when Eugene Gendlin, an American Professor asked the question: “Why is psychotherapy helpful for some and not for others?”

He researched hundreds of taped therapy sessions, with different therapists and clients.

What they discovered was that the successful outcome of the therapy came about when the clients slowed down, became less articulate and began to feel their way into describing something that they were aware of in that moment.

It is a way of listening to your body with kindness and acceptance, without any judgements.
Although focusing works with feeling at a profound level it does not necessarily involve expressing feelings. It is more a way of sensing into the feeling, which may turn out to be more subtle and far richer than just getting the feeling out.

Gendlin found that focusing is a natural skill which was discovered rather than invented.
It is a body-oriented process of self awareness which can assist with many of life’s day to day concerns; an inner listening that can bring profound and lasting change.

Here are some of the issues that focusing can help with :

  • Getting to know our feelings and learn to express them appropriately.
  • Decision making.
  • Self criticism.
  • Creative blocks.

The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.
Carl Rogers